Thursday, April 2, 2009

Create Your Own Miracles

Create Your Own Miracles

Miracles are extraordinary events or phenomenon that simply happen and cannot be explained by rational thought (like medical miracles of physical healing, coincidences that change your life). There are also the everyday miracles of being in the right place at the right time where something wonderful happens. You can create your own miracles by following these five simple steps:

1. Be Optimistic. We attract what we expect. Expect that everything is working towards your highest good.

2. Open Your Mind To Possibilities. Positive solutions can come through unexpected channels. Be open to new ways of thinking.

3. Imagine Yourself As You Want To Be. Visualize how you want something to be (better health, new job, new house, relationship).

4. Be Clear About What You Want. Focus your attention on specifically what you desire. Many times people are vague about what they want.

5. Meditate or Pray. Allow yourself daily quiet time and space to meditate or pray, whether it is for you or someone you care about.

Bonus: Be thankful or have an attitude of gratitude. Being thankful creates miracles all on it's own!

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